Two Open Source Browsers with bugs connected to Internationalization for Korean Windows Users

Summary: A twelve-month-old chromium bug, alphabet character spacing issue in Korean web pages, was solved recently. Here’s another open-source browser bug related to internationalization for a Korean user. It doesn’t solve yet.

A human hand typing laptop keyboard [image: Pixabay]

Chrome: Case was closed for the moment

Google released Chrome 37 stable version last year. It has a problem. Several Windows OS users in Korea said that the browser shows alphabet character spacing incorrectly in particular situation. This was very common in Korea internet use case, and the bug was pretty annoying to Korean.

Actually, The bug was already posted on the official Chromium project website since Jul 16, 2014. The Chrome stable version was released on Aug 26. During that time, about 40 days, There are no comments from Google on the website.

So it was a predictable result that many Korean users suffered from what install the most updated version of google browser. Since the beginning of distribution Chrome, they wrote comments like that “fix the bug please” to Google, on the project page.

A few days later from the released, a Google engineer appeared out. He or She left only one comment that “Moving all nonessential bugs to the next Milestone.” In other words, “We don’t think about this bug so much seriously, right now.”

After about a year, dozens of Korean Chrome users same commented complaining it on the ‘issue 394585’ page. Google engineers were silent. Instead, several engineers were engaged as members of Chromium community.

At last, the bug was solved on Aug 31, 2015. Nobody complains about the issue anymore. Almost it takes a year from the release date of the browser contains the bug.

Firefox: I have no idea

Mozilla released Firefox 41 on Sep 25, 2015. They said the newest browser is available with “Enhance IME support on Windows (Vista +) using TSF (Text Services Framework).” Firefox 41 is also named “stable version”, but it has a bug linked to Korean IME of modern Windows OS.

I am a Korean firefox for windows user. I think there is some problem with the new version of Firefox. When I writing something in Korea, on the several websites include Facebook and my business with a text editor, my browser doesn’t take it correctly.

So I wrote a report about it roughly on Mozilla community Korea about a week ago. Until today, I have got a dozen of comments at my bug report page on the community website. There are some people said “I have the same problem with you” in the comment.

The Bugzilla, Mozilla’s official bug report website, already has a report describes ‘bug 1208043’ similar the bug what I reported on Korea community site. However, I can’t fully understand its meaning so I can’t guarantee that bugs reported on Korea community site and Bugzilla are referring to the exact same issue.

I told about my bug report to a QA engineer at Mozilla. The engineer said to me “It appeared on Mac before, So I think it’s a kind of regression…. However, I just upgraded Firefox 41 on my Mac, and this bug doesn’t reproduce now.”

and I asked the engineer some guide for “effective bug reporting skill” on the Bugzilla site. The engineer said “You can submit those bugs for ‘Internationalization component’ on the site directly. You don’t need to rewrite it, just putting the words ‘Korean input’ on the subject is good. If you attach some video to it, would be helpful.”

Originally posted at on June 26th, 2016. Migrated here on April 2nd, 2017. Edited and published on January 10th, 2018.